
Biodanza in the Media

Have you ever danced until you flew? Danced so hard, so fast, so freely that you reach a level of overwhelming, ecstatic joy? If you haven’t you should – it can change your life.
Mike Aldridge
Ecstasy through Dance, Namaste, Vol 9
Can two and a half hours really make a difference to how you feel about your body? My experience is it can… I sashayed over to my car, a big grin inside and out, feeling as if I had shifted and shaken loose something critical and controlling within. I realised how seldom I listen to my body’s wisdom and how often I override its needs and pleasures. If I am to learn to truly love myself, what better place to start than with my body? 
Rosemary Miller
Movement into life, Odyssey
I’m feeling wonderfully relaxed and uplifted… I feel good and strangely optimistic about everything… Many of the classmates head off to dinner together… (I am) feeling an amazing bond with these people… Biodanza is like that, helping you to make connections.
Geoff Dalglish
Grab a Partner, Mens Health
I am leaping into the air and then gliding across the wooden floor, my body – legs, feet, arms, hands, torso, head - moving with ease to the uplifting South American beats; my heart pounding with new energy.
Sarah Taylor
Dance into your Life, The Star newspaper
Move your body to the new dance therapy that could boost your immune system, not to mention your love life!… You leave feeling energetic and proud, maybe even a little bit sexy.
Dance the heart-ache away
Sure you’re stressed, who isn’t? A Biodanza class might be just what you need to bring some fun back into the mix. …. The Verdict: Totally rocks! Many systems relieve stress but few leave you feeling this blissfully happy. There’s also a sense of being open to whatever life brings you, and less stuck in your ways.
Stress Busters 10
FHM magazine
So how did I feel at the end of it all? Strangely cheerful and wholly invigorated. You will too.
Peter Wagenaar
Shake the Blues Away, Pathways to Health
I arrived home in the late afternoon, also strangely lamb like, in a very laid back state. Not once did I snap at my children or husband (something I usually do at least three times between 6.00pm and 8.00pm) and by 8.30pm I’d fallen into a deep sleep. My dreams took me to Buenos Aires where I proudly swivelled my hips, tossed my head and kissed the mirror. 
Marianne Holtman
The move we’re talking about, Shape

If you’re ready to get moving, get in touch


“I found the workshop absolutely wonderful, nourishing to the soul, restful to mind and energising to the body. Having experienced the energy and wonder of Biodanza I know more about what I need to do for myself. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to do that and be a part of a wonderful experience.” 
Psychotherapist, NSW
"I am feeling such an immense joy in simply being.  I am feeling pleasure in my body.  My consciousness has expanded.  I am certain it has to do with a combination of Biodanza and my continuing meditation practice, loving myself, and allowing myself to feel my feelings as they arise.  Woohooo!!!"
Biodanza participant
“Biodanza provided me with a safe space to dance freely and it has helped me to look after myself. It has helped me connect with other people and it has started me on a fitness journey, involving gymming and cycling, which saw me loose 20kgs over the years I’ve been dancing. I’ve also become more confident. I do believe that it’s all about the physical repairing that goes on through the dances. It has given me permission to live again.”
Biodanza Participant
"Thank you for taking part in the Mental Health and Wellbeing Online Expo for 2021! Your dance workshop was the most successful contribution to the overall program, and I hope that it has been positive for your organisation!"
- ACT Mental Health Month
"It's unique and very relaxing! Very Special!"​
"The class was amazing. I loved it, never been this relaxed"
"Energized, motivated and happy"
- International students at ANU
“Biodanza is exactly what I was looking for . . . Freestyle, intuitive, reaching deeply into my being, expressing so many aspects of myself. Realising and experiencing deep connection between physical movement and state of mind . . . A truly liberating experience!”
Len participant at a meditation retreat
“Before Biodanza I was very shy, I would walk in the street and avoid making eye contact with others. I used to be terrified of standing up in front of other people. Through Biodanza I have definitely becomes more confident. Now I walk in the street, looking at others, smiling at them and I get smiles back.”
Zola weekly participant

Research into Biodanza

  • Biodanza and Social Action by Rosa, Donini & De Luca (2019) . A good summary to understand biodanza and how it works and its effects. The aim of this paper is to highlight the psycho-physical, affective-emotional and socio-relational effects of the Biodanza RTS experience on the development of emotional competences linked to the learning of social skills, and the contribution of the latter to the improvement of children and adolescents’ quality of life.
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  • Biodanza as Mirrored in the sciences: Research concerning the psychological, physiological and immunological effects of Biodanza. Arts in Psychotherapy, 31 (3), 204 abstract, (reviewed, IF: 0.205). Stueck, M.; Villegas, A.; Schroeder, H.; Sack, U.; Terren R.; Toro V.; Toro R. (2004).
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  • Effects of biodanza on stress, depression, and sleep quality in university students by López-Rodríguez, Baldrich- Rodríguez et al (2017). This paper describes a well-designed study, clearly outlining how they did the study and all the conclusions.  The study concluded that the Biodanza program is an effective stress management strategy for students. The results of this study showed Biodanza to have a positive effect on perceived stress and depression in young adults.
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  • Biodanza in Healthcare Residences: Qualitative Study by Calamassi, D. , Palfrader, A. , Biagiotti, C. and Galli, R. (2019) Open Journal of NursingA qualitative study about Biodanza done with the operations staff in Alzheimer’s sections in Specialized Nursing Homes (SNF) for the care of persons affected by dementia, in Tuscany (Italy). In general, the experience of Biodanza was experienced positively and produced beneficial effects on a personal level, within the workgroup and with relation to the patients.

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  • Effects of a biodanza program in relation to physical and psychological parameters in Primary Education by Hernández López, FIerro-Suero et al (2018). This article is in Spanish but the comprehensive abstract (in English) includes the results. Findings included significant improvement in self-esteem, emotional intelligence and agility in the learners that participated.

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  • The Oxford Handbook of Dance and Wellbeing . It includes sections from a study done by Dr Marcus Stueck on Biodanza with children. It includes some results from TANZPRO Evidence-based Biodanza for children re: physiology and psychology.

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If you’re ready to get moving, get in touch