
Event Details

Biodanza Retreat at Margaret River
Friday Nov 10th – Sunday Nov 12th 2023

After such a wonderful Winterfire Solstice Retreat in June this year, we have decided to continue with the Biodanza deepening journey and invite you to another offering!

This time Kate Clement will be returning with her partner Claudio Gomez, both accredited Biodanza Facilitators with many years of experience in Biodanza and Zouk.  The two of them will be combining forces and creating a special weekend immersion for our WA Biodanza community.

I didn’t expect to have 2 Biodanza retreats this year, so I am very excited for both myself and the Biodanza community in WA that we get to have this opportunity again!

These Biodanza immersions can give you such inspiring insights into your life, can be truly life-changing and the perfect reset that you may need, especially just before we move into Summer and the busy festive season!

The retreat will be held at the Uralba Eco Farm again, spaces will be limited so if you are thinking that this sounds like something you want to be a part of, please register your interest now!

Please email  Jasmin if you would like to register your interest already.

If you would like to read more details, please click here